Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten asbl

Recreational and Training Centre Neuhäusgen



Home News

1. Mée-Feier 2022

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Hei de Flyer vum 1. Mee 2022.


Venison Weekend on November, 7/8th 2015 in the celtic house

Get the Flyer of the Venison Weekend 2015.

Working Camp in the Celtic House from April 11th to April 18th, 2015

Please find the attached Working Camp Flyer 2015.

Venison Night on November, 15/16th 2014 in the celtic house

Get the Flyer of the Venison Night 2014.

6th Celtic Festival Bealtaine from the 7th to the 8th of June 2014

Get the Bealtaine 2014 flyer.

Hereby the press release in the Luxemburger Wort newspaper.

Venison Night on November, 23/24th 2013 in the celtic house

Get the Flyer of the Venison Night 2013.

Venison Night on October, 20th 2012 in the celtic house

Get the Flyer of the Venison Night 2012.

5th Celtic Festival Bealtaine from the 26th to the 27th of May 2012

Get the Bealtaine 2012 flyer.

Hereby the press release in the Luxemburger Wort newspaper.

St.Patrick-day Celebration March 17th, 2012 in the Celtic House

Get the Flyer of the St.Patricks-Day Celebration 2012.

Venison Night on October, 22nd 2011 in the celtic house

Get the Flyer of the Venison Night 2011.

4th Celtic Festival Bealtaine from the 11th to the 12th of June 2011

Get the Bealtaine 2011 flyer.

Hereby the press release in the Luxemburger Wort newspaper.

Remembrance-Day May 1st 2011 in Neuhäusgen

Read the article published in the Luxemburger Wort

Platte Knuet 04/2011

Venison Night on October, 30th 2010 in the celtic house

Get the flyer of the Venison Night 2010.

3rd Celtic Festival Bealtaine from the 29th to the 30th of May 2010

Get the Bealtaine 2010 flyer.

Hereby the press contents in the Luxemburger Wort and in the Voix du Luxembourg newspapers.

National Cub Scouts Rallye May 15th - 16th 2010

The national FNEL - Cub Scouts Rallye presented in the Luxemburger Wort.

Remembrance-Day May 1st 2010 in Neuhäusgen


Den 1. Mee erennert fir genee ze sinn un 3 Datumer:

un d'’Aweiung vun der Kapell "Notre-Dame des Bois" den 1. Mee 1952, un d'Verspriechen an den Engagement vun de Scoutsresistenzler an natirlech och un d’'Aweiung vum Centre de Formation et d'Animation Chalet Nicolas Rollinger den 1.5.1959, respektiv un d’'Aweiung vun der Annexe um 1. Mee 1978, sou datt dësen Datum méi wéi symbolesch ass fir den Neihaischen.

Et sollt awer keng nei Kiirmes gin, mee e feierleche Rendez-Vous fir all Mataarbechter vum Neihaischen, vu fréier, haut a muer, sief dat elo de Comité Neihaischen, d’'Amicale Neihaischen, den AG Projet Native Village, Mataarbechter vum Keltenhaus, fréier 1.Mee'ler, Scoutsresistenzler an de Comité fédéral vun de Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten.

No enger ganz flotter Guiden- a Scoutsmass gehal vum Aumônier Général Pit Faber ronderem d'Thema vun der Relativitéit vun der Zäit, an no enger klénger, ma ergreifender Zérémonie beim Monument aux Morts goufen Fiirkel, gebootschte Gromperen mat Geméis opgedëscht. Den Erënnerungsdag 2010 konnt lues a lues bei Kaffi, Dessert an Billeranimatiounen 1952-2009 auskléngen.

Réservéier der elo schon den 1.Mee 2011 um Neihaischen.

De Comité Neihaischen


Weekend de Lancement October 10th -11th 2009

The Ranger-Rover's Weekend de Lancement 2009 as published in the Luxemburger Wort.

1959-2009 - 50th Anniversary of the Neuhäusgen Training Centre

A detailed article of the celebrations can be read in our magazine Platte Knuet.



Campsite Finsterthal

The camping ground Finsterthal as referenced in the magazine Platte Knuet.



100 trees for one hundred years of Guiding novembre, 27th 2010

Celebrate one hundred years of Guiding by planting 100 trees at the Relais de l'Amitié's ground

Plant Order.

Application form for groups.

Article in the Luxemburger Wort.

Guide/Scout-Fair on May 13th, 2010

You are welcome at the Bilsdorf Guide/Scout-Fair.